Adventures in Art
Now in three Volumes
Kindergarten through High School
Created specifically for the homeschool family, Beginner Level introduces your children to many of the most famous pieces of Western art.
Six of the greatest works by Da Vinci, Durer, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Millet, Renoir, and Rockwell are included, along with additional favorites.
50+ masterworks
Museum quality reproductions

Beginner Level
Grades Pre-K-3rd
We start by teaching children to enjoy, love, and informally observe art, in the way of Charlotte Mason. Children must learn how to observe; they must not simply be told what to see; they must learn to see for themselves. We want their precious souls to be touched by wonder and great beauty. Beginner Level includes the most beloved paintings of the Western tradition.
Intermediate Level

Bringing Together Great Masters of Art & Biblical Truth!
A unique program that brings the Word of God to life through the masterpieces of the great artists.
An unforgettable presentation!
50+ masterworks
20+ artist
Intermediate Level uses art to clearly see spiritual Truth relating to The Grand Story of History, Becoming a Follower of the Cross, Being Transformed by the Presence of God, and the Birth of the United States of America.
Introductory Discount: $10
Coupon Code:
Grades 4th and up

High School Level
The impact of ideas in shaping Western Civilization is clearly seen in the more than 2000-year history of art.
30+ artist
100+ masterworks
8 major periods of history
Grades 8th and up
High School Level traces the progression of Western Culture and the consequences of embracing biblical or secular worldviews. See firsthand how truth leads to wisdom and beauty, while false philosophy leads to pain, brokenness, and despair. Adventures in Art: High School Level will open your eyes to the great influence artists have on shaping culture!
In this three-volume collection, students are carefully guided through 2000 years of art history. Students progress from quietly observing carefully selected masterpieces in the Beginner Levels to searching for the meaning beyond the canvas in the Intermediate Levels, and then, in the High School Levels, applying their interpretations to the impact of art on Western Civilization. This is ideal for individuals who know little to nothing about art appreciation or art history because the study guides include everything a parent could ever need.
The new Adventures in Art is incredible. Y'all did a great job!
Heather H, Dallas, Texas
Art is a reflection of God's creativity, an evidence that we are made in the image of God.
He who loses the arts loses the culture.
Francis Schaeffer