A Love of God and a Love of Learning

There is a time to show them God in earth and sky and flower, to teach them to wonder and reverence. There is a time to leave the dishes, to swing in the park, to run a race, to draw a picture, to catch a butterfly, to give them happy comradeship. [It’s] a time to point the way, to teach their infant lips to pray, to teach their hearts to love God's Word, to love God's day…(Helen Young)
Welcome to Homeschooling! Kindergarten is the perfect time to develop a love of learning. Celebrate the freedom you have with home education to do so much more than a school can — to walk to the park, stopping along the way to listen to the birds or smell the flowers; to read wonderful stories aloud; to listen to the beautiful melodies of classical music together; to begin building the Biblical Worldview.
We recommend enjoying this low-pressure year, taking advantage of the fact that you don’t have to do everything like a school! In kindergarten we introduce the initial math concepts with Making Math Meaningful, (the original hands-on math program) and encourage activities and games that train the mind. Nurturing and growing your child’s critical thinking and learning ability is one of the most foundational elements of early childhood development. Charlotte Mason also stated that it is crucial to have high-quality children’s literature at this stage. We offer resources that present lists of these “living books” to help you and your child begin laying a Biblical foundation in your grand new adventure!