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The Impossibility of Belief

Writer: benquinebenquine

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

By David Quine

There was a time in Western Civilization before the Enlightenment that it was almost "impossible not to believe."

The Christian grand story had become the strong consensus of people throughout all of Europe and the United States. However, with the Enlightenment came the "possibility of disbelief." The Secular grand story, rooted in Darwinian Evolution, was introduced as a competing story. During the 20th-century the Christian grand story was rejected and ultimately suppressed making way for the Secular story to become not only the dominant story but the ONLY story presented outside the Church. In fact, most Churches succumbed and modified the traditional Christian grand story! Therefore evangelical Christian young people today are living in the cultural atmosphere of the "impossibility of belief." The question "How do I become a Christian?" has now become "Why are you a Christian, anyway?" Do you hear the differences? Not only is there a shift in pronouns from "I" to "you", but there is also a shift in the tone of voice - a shift from seeking to one of scoffing! This helps me to understand the difficulty evangelical Christian young people are having with their faith. When confronted with attitudes and ideas which are different from what they were taught at home or Church, they have a difficult time resisting. As a result, new attitudes and new ideas are being smuggled into to their personal thinking.  Dr. Francis Schaeffer wrote that we must be "consciously preparing the next generation ...." - that is, our children.

 STARTING POINTS Renewing Minds - Transforming Hearts STARTING POINTS is the Biblical world view primer. It establishes the Biblical world view in the hearts, souls, and minds of your children, lays the solid foundation for their personal life, and equips them to stand firm in Christ in the 21st Century. Like a compass, this primer directs students to evaluate all ideas that will confront them in life!  For More Information

Conversations are Vital STARTING POINTS encourages wonderful stimulating conversations with your family over the SEVEN Vital questions that need to be answered in order to "stand firm" in the 21st Century! 7 Vital Questions *  What is God like? *  How did the world begin? *  What is man like? *  What is the basis of morality? *  What is the cause of suffering? *  What happens to man at death *  Does life have any real meaning? CORNERSTONE CURRICULUM is preparing the next generation - our children - "to give an answer" to anyone who might ask them why they are Christians. We have designed an apologetic approach to teaching, making the case that non-Christian systems of thought, as well as any attempt to unite non-Christian thought to Christian thought, is false. This preparation occurs in every subject.  CORNERSTONE CURRICULUM is more than just an academic curriculum. Throughout our studies, students are encouraged to have relevant interaction with God. Our goal in creating CORNERSTONE CURRICULUM is that every student will go beyond head knowledge to a transformation of their heart and mind - beyond simply knowing "about" the Biblical Worldview to actually "owning it" for themselves.



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