Level 2 is comprised of a Parent Guide and a Student Workbook. The Parent Guide provides scripted What I Am To Do and What I Am To Say for teaching the concepts and skills in a conversational and interactive format. The lessons are written to accomodate all learning styles. You will need the Making Math Meaningful Manipulatives Kit for this level, as the student will progress from utilizing concrete objects, to pictorial representations, to symbolic/numeric representations in word-problem format. The lesson plans are clear and easy to use, and no pre-preparation is needed to teach Level 2.
Covered in Level 2:
Place Value
Addition & Subtraction of Objects
Addition & Subtraction of Symbols
Part-Whole Relationships
Multiplication & Division
NOTE: Because we have revised and revamped Making Math Meaningful Levels K-3, the new Student Workbooks will no longer match with previous editions of the Parent Guide.
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