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Starting Points

Renewing Minds, Transforming Hearts

Starting Points
Cornerstone pillars reasoning through concepts Christian homeschooling
Starting Points Cornerstone Curriculum collection, homeschool education, junior high
Junior High Level

“Look on education as something between the child’s soul and God.” (Charlotte Mason)


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8)

Starting Points Introduction 2020 Video
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What People Are Saying About Starting Points:

 "We have been so blessed to have your Starting Points and World View curricula for the last seven years! After this school year each of my four sons will have been through SP and we are starting WV again this year with my third son. My eldest son tells me that this was the most helpful course for preparing him for college. The work is challenging and the literature analyses excellent, all while teaching us more about who our great God truly is and how good His plans are even in a world that doesn't know Him! Thank you so much!"



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